Reviews gallery from the booking websites we were previously on, are below

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Google Reviews

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Trustpilot Reviews


This is the gallery of reviews online for Golden Beach 4, and are from our guests who came from TripAdvisor, VRBO and


We rarely use these websites anymore. We prefer to deal with our guests direct, this allows us to give a better service.


 For example, when guests fom these websites ask for a transfer company, we are unable to supply them with websites or email addresses, as those companies either block the messasge or blank out the details. Previously, (many years ago), you could supply detailed emails direct to the guest, but that was stopped when the smaller sites were bought by the larger sites. From then on, we felt the service that we could provide our guests via those sites was below our standards.


New reviews online, are on Trustpilot and Google (links at top of the page).


We try to provide the kind of service we would like to receive. Any problems with the apartment or equipment, we try, and normally do resolve the same day, if not, the next day.


We would like to than all the previous guests, who took the time and effort to leave reviews on Golden Beach 4, and those guests who gave us feedback on enhancements that they would like to see. I think all have been implemented.